Photo: Adrianne Mathiowetz

Diego Báez

Diego Báez is a writer, educator, and abolitionist. He is the author of Yaguareté White (University of Arizona, 2024), a finalist for The Georgia Poetry Prize and a semi-finalist for the Berkshire Prize for Poetry. A recipient of fellowships from CantoMundo, the Surge Institute, the Poetry Foundation Incubator for Community-Engaged Poets, and DreamYard’s Rad(ical) Poetry Consortium, Diego has served on the boards of the National Book Critics Circle, the International David Foster Wallace Society, and Families Together Cooperative Nursery School. Poems have previously appeared or are forthcoming in Freeman's, Poetry Northwest, and Latino Poetry: A New Anthology. Book reviews have appeared at Booklist, Harriet, Letras Latinas Blog 2, and The Boston Globe. Essays and other non-fiction have been published in The Georgia Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Los Angeles Review of Books. Diego lives in Chicago and teaches poetry, English composition, and first-year seminars at the City Colleges, where he is an Assistant Professor of Multidisciplinary Studies.

Diego Báez es escritor, profesor y abolicionista. Es autor de Yaguareté White (University of Arizona, 2024), finalista del Georgia Poetry Prize y semifinalista del Berkshire Prize en poesía. Obtuvo las becas de CantoMundo, Surge Institute, Poetry Foundation Incubator para poetas comprometidos con su comunidad, y la DreamYard’s Rad(ical) Poetry Consortium. Diego ha prestado sus servicios a las juntas del National Book Critics Circle, la International David Foster Wallace Society y Families Together Cooperative Nursery School. Sus poemas han aparecido o están por ser publicados en Freeman's, Poetry Northwest and Latino Poetry: A New Anthology. Sus reseñas de libros han aparecido en Booklist, Harriet, Letras Latinas Blog 2 y The Boston Globe. Sus ensayos y otros escritos de no ficción han sido publicados en The Georgia Review, Spoon River Poetry Review y Los Angeles Review of Books. Diego vive en Chicago y enseña poesía, composición en inglés y seminarios de primer año en las City Colleges, donde es Profesor de Estudios Multidisciplinarios.