Photo: Wendy Alas

Faisal Mohyuddin

FAISAL MOHYUDDIN is a writer, artist, and educator. The child of immigrants from Pakistan, he is the author of Elsewhere: An Elegy (Next Page Press, 2024) and of The Displaced Children of Displaced Children, (Eyewear, 2018), which won the 2017 Sexton Prize in Poetry, and was selected as a 2018 Summer Recommendation of the Poetry Book Society and named a "highly commended" collection of the year by the Forward Arts Foundation; it went on to receive an Honorable Mention in the Association of Asian American Studies 2020 Book Award for Poetry. Faisal is also the author of the chapbook The Riddle of Longing (Backbone Press, 2017). His work has received an Illinois Arts Council Literary Award, a Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize from the Illinois State Library, and Prairie Schooner's Edward Stanley Award. He teaches high school English in suburban Chicago and creative writing at Northwestern University’s School of Professional Studies; he also serves as a Master Practitioner with the global-not-for-profit Narrative 4.

FAISAL MOHYUDDIN es escritor, artista y profesor. Hijo de inmigrantes de Pakistán, es autor de Elsewhere: An Elegy (Next Page Press, 2024), y de The Displaced Children of Displaced Children, (Eyewear, 2018), el cual ganó el Sexton Prize in Poetry en 2017, y fue seleccionado como una de las Recomendaciones de Verano de la Poetry Book Society en 2018 y nombrado como un libro “altamente recomendado” ese mismo año por la Forward Arts Foundation; también recibió una Mención Honorífica en el Association of Asian American Studies Book Award for Poetry en 2020. Faisal también es autor de la plaquette The Riddle of Longing (Backbone Press, 2017). Su obra ha recibido un Illinois Arts Council Literary Award, un Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize de la Illinois State Library, y un Edward Stanley Award de la Prairie Schooner. Da clases de inglés en una preparatoria en los suburbios de Chicago y escritura creativa en la Northwestern University. También es artista visual y Maestro Practicante de la organización sin fines de lucro global Narrative 4.