Héctor Jiménez Castillo 2022 — Lit & Luz

Photo: Natalia Martínez Mejía

Héctor Jiménez Castillo

Héctor Jiménez Castillo (Veracruz, VER. MX, 1992) Lives and works in Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX. Jiménez Castillo’s practice is influenced by intuition, chance and the use of his own biography. His work frequently depicts human vulnerability and examines identity and intimacy. Castillo investigates the production of images that are inspired by our unconscious and explores them in different media including choreography, text, drawing, and sculpture. His work process can be described as methodically organizing an unveiling of his own reality and that of others while playing with notions of chance. He is a co-founder and active member of the Arrogante albino artist lab, Arrogante's work could be considered a collage of media that has the body as its research center. Castillo also had collaborated and performed with other artists in specific projects: Claudia Cisneros (MX), La Compañía Opcional (MX-SP), Alejandro Mendicuti (SP), Tamara Cubas (UY), Lara Brown (SP), Micheangelo Miccolis (MX), Teatro Ojo (MX), Heesoo Agnes Kim (KR).

Héctor Jiménez Castillo (Veracruz, VER. MX, 1992) Vive y trabaja en Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX. A través de su trabajo investiga la producción de imágenes que apelan al inconsciente, explorando diferentes medios principalmente: dibujo, coreografía, escritura, diseño de vestuario y escultura. Está interesado en la práctica artística como una herramienta para conocer lugares, personas y generar experiencias extra- cotidianas. Con un interés particular en las artes escénicas ha trabajado y colaborado en proyectos de danza, teatro y cine. Es co-fundador y miembro activo del laboratorio de artistas Arrogante albino, el trabajo de Arrogante podría ser considero un collage de medios que tiene como centro de investigación el cuerpo. Ha colaborado con Alejandro Mendicuti (ES), Compañía Opcional (MX-ES), Lara Ortíz (ES), Tamara Cubas (UY), Teatro Ojo (MX), Heesoo Agnes Kim (KR)