Photo: Courtesy of the artist
Mariana Oliver
Mariana Oliver was born in Mexico City in 1986. She received an MA in Comparative Literature from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in 2015. She was a full-time fellow at the Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas for literary essay from 2013 to 2015. In 2016, she was awarded the Premio Nacional de Ensayo Joven José Vasconcelos for Aves migratorias (FETA, 2016) which subsequently was published in Colombia (Tragaluz Editores, 2019), in the US (Transit Books, 2021), and in Italy (Il Margine, 2022). In the US, the translation by Julia Sanches, Migratory Birds, was the winner of the 2022 PEN Translation Prize. She is currently writing her doctoral dissertation on translingual aesthtetics at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City.
Mariana Oliver (Ciudad de México, 1986). Ensayista. Fue becaria de ensayo en la Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas (2013-2015). Con Aves migratorias obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Ensayo Joven José Vasconcelos. Aves migratorias se ha publicado en Colombia, Estados Unidos e Italia. Es maestra en literatura comparada por la UNAM y estudia el doctorado en Letras modernas en la Universidad Iberoamericana. En su investigación se pregunta por estéticas translingües en autoras contemporáneas.