Photo: Photomaton
Verónica Gerber Bicecci
Verónica Gerber Bicecci is a visual artist who writes. She has published the books Mudanza (2010; Almadía, 2017) and Empty Set (Coffee House Press, 2018, translated by Christina MacSweeney), which won the third International Aura Estrada Literature and the Otra Mirada Cálamo prizes. Her most recent projects in other media are vocabulary b (2019) in muca Roma, Mexico City and The Dystopian Machine (2018) in the Museo de Arte Abstracto Manuel Felguérez, Zacatecas. She has served as an editor at the Mexican publishing cooperative Tumbona Ediciones (2010–2017) and tutor of the Photography Production Seminar (2016-2018) at Centro de la Imagen.
To read an excerpt from Empty Set, click here.
Verónica Gerber Bicecci. Artista visual que escribe. Ha publicado los libros Mudanza (2010, reedición 2017; traducido al portugués) y Conjunto vacío (2015, premio internacional Aura Estrada y premio Cálamo Otra mirada; traducido al inglés e italiano). Algunos de sus proyectos e intervenciones visuales más recientes son el vocabulario b (2019) en muca Roma, Ciudad de México y (2018) en el Museo Arte Abstracto Manuel Felguérez, Zacatecas. Fue editora en la cooperativa Tumbona ediciones (2010–2017) y tutora del Seminario de Producción Fotográfica del Centro de la Imagen del (2016–2018).
Para leer un extracto del Conjunto vacío, haz clic aquí.
You’ll be able to see Veronica at the follow events during the festival:
October 15th: A Reading and Conversation with Author and Artist Verónica Gerber Bicecci
October 15th: Tsunami: Feminist Movements and Mexican Literature
October 16th: Favorite Poems/Poemas favoritos
October 17th: Master Class: Verónica Gerber Bicecci
October 17th: A Reading and Conversation with Author and Artist Verónica Gerber Bicecci
October 17th: Authors in Conversation: Presented by Lit & Luz Book Club
October 19th: Veronica will be one of the collaborating artists at the Live Magazine Show.