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Monday, October 31
Join us for a presentation of recent and on-going works by 2022 Lit & Luz Festival participant and visual artist, Balam Bartolomé, hosted by the Open Practice Committee.
At this yearly event, participants select and share a favorite poem—and tell us why it means so much to them. Each reader also shares a bit of their own work.
Join us for a virtual keynote address with poet and editor Anthony Cody, author of Borderland Apocrypha (Omnidawn, 2020).
Tuesday, November 1
The Lit & Luz Book Club and Contratiempo are honored to present Mexican poets, Dolores Dorantes, yolanda segura, essayist Mariana Oliver, as well as literary translator and poet Robin Myers at this reading and conversation.
¿Cómo operan las relaciones entre política y afectos? Hemos escuchado desde los discursos feministas que lo personal es político pero, ¿qué pasa si invertimos la frase?
Poets Maya Marshall and Marty McConnell founded the online journal Underbelly "to bring to the surface what we often strive to make invisible: the joyful, arduous, miraculous, by turns tender and brutal process of shepherding a poem from its primal state to its final state."
Wednesday, November 2
A diferencia de otros géneros literarios, la definición de ensayo aparenta ser difusa.
Una lectura y conversación con la poeta yolanda segura.
Join UIC’s Center for Latinx Literature of the Americas they welcome Dolores Dorantes (poet) and Robin Myers (poet and translator).
Thursday, November 3
The ninth annual edition of the Lit & Luz Festival is proud to co-present the festival’s signature program, the Live Magazine Show, with the Logan Center for the Arts.
Join Daniel Borzutzky as he discusses this one-of-a-kind anthology with editor Ruben Quesada and contributors Sheryl Luna and ire'ne lara silva.
Friday, November 4
At this bilingual storytelling event, author Carolina A. Herrera hosts an exciting group of writers and artists sharing their take on “Revision.”
Join us for a reading and conversation with the award-winning essayist, Mariana Oliver.
Revision: Cultivating Explorations of Authentic Self with Mexican Artists Aura Arreola and Hector Jiménez Castillo.
Saturday, November 5
Join the Lit & Luz Festival as we celebrate a week of programs and our exceptional participants.
All are welcome to join Julio Enríquez-Ornelas for this interactive creative writing workshop, moderated by Dr. Xiomara Verenice Cervantes-Gómez.
In this workshop with poet and translator Robin Myers, participants will engage with poems in the second and third person; discuss voice and point of view; and experiment with form and sound as a way to expand (or condense) the scope of their poems.
Lit & Luz programs are presented at partner venues throughout Chicago, as well as online.
All locations are wheelchair accessible. ASL support is provided upon request.
Programs are presented in both Spanish and English, often with live audio interpretation. Please check individual event descriptions for more details.
For questions, please contact makelit @
Los programas de Lit & Luz se presentan en lugares asociados al festival en todo Chicago, así como en línea.
Todos los lugares son accesibles para sillas de ruedas. El apoyo de ASL se proporciona a pedido.
Los programas se presentan en español e inglés, a menudo con interpretación de audio en vivo. Consulte las descripciones individuales de cada evento para obtener más detalles.
Si tiene preguntas, póngase en contacto con
Thank you to our presenting partners