Lit & Luz Live Magazine Show: Revision
The ninth annual edition of the Lit & Luz Festival is proud to co-present the festival’s signature program, the Live Magazine Show, with the Logan Center for the Arts.
The ninth annual edition of the Lit & Luz Festival is proud to co-present the festival’s signature program, the Live Magazine Show, with the Logan Center for the Arts.
Join Daniel Borzutzky as he discusses this one-of-a-kind anthology with editor Ruben Quesada and contributors Sheryl Luna and ire'ne lara silva.
Join us for a conversation centered on sculpture and ideas related to emerging paradigms of new materialisms.
How do you create collective and/or shared spaces? At this live, in-person storytelling event, we hear from architects, designers, artists, and policymakers as they investigate their experience with collective and shared spaces—their merits, and how they impact the built, natural, and the social environments.
Join us for a reading and conversation with Mexican author, editor, and translator, Jazmina Barrera.
NEIU welcomes Mexican poet and multimedia artist Rocío Cerón. An interview will follow the performance.
Lit & Luz is produced by MAKE Literary Productions, NFP, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donate.
MAKE acknowledges support from the Illinois Arts Council.