
Filtering by: Bilingüe/Bilingual
5:00 PM17:00

Lit & Luz 2024 Kick-off Party

Lit & Luz Chicago 2024 Kick Off!

Tack Room
1807 S Allport St., Chicago
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Join us at the Tack Room as we get ready for a week of exemplary programming featuring writers and artists from Mexico and Chicago. At this event, we’ll have “welcome copitas,” the print program, and of course, a super fun raffle.

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2:00 PM14:00

Lit & Luz Keynote Address with Alejandra Oliva

Lit & Luz Keynote Address with Alejandra Oliva

18th Street Casa de Cultura
2057 W. 18th St. Chicago, IL 60608
2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Join us at 18th Street Casa de Cultura for a keynote address from critically-acclaimed author Alejandra Oliva on this year’s festival theme, Saturation/ Saturación. Oliva will read from her recent memoir, Rivermouth: A Chronicle of Language, Faith and Migration (Astra House, 2023) and join author and Lit & Luz alum Juan Martinez in conversation.

Meet the author after the event for a book signing and a complimentary cafecito reception courtesy of Dark Matter Coffee and Bittersweet Pilsen to celebrate the beginning of the festival week.

Alejandra Oliva is an essayist, embroiderer and translator. She is a recipient of the 2022 Creative Nonfiction Whiting Grant. Her writing has been included in Best American Travel Writing 2020, nominated for a Pushcart prize, and was honored with an Aspen Summer Words Emerging Writers Fellowship. 

Presented in partnership with UIC’s Center for Latinx Literature of the Americas and 18th Street Casa de Cultura.

Acompáñanos a 18th Street Casa de Cultura para el Discurso inaugural de la autora, aclamada por la crítica, Alejandra Oliva, sobre el tema del festival de este año: Saturation/Saturación. Oliva leerá fragmentos de su reciente memoria Rivermouth: A Chronicle of Language, Faith and Migration (Astra House, 2023), y acompaña al ex participante de Lit & Luz, Juan Martínez, para la conversación.

Conoce a la autora después del evento en una firma de libros y un recepción con cafecito de cortesía de Dark Matter Coffee and Bittersweet Pilsen para celebrar el inicio de la semana del festival.

Alejandra Oliva es ensayista, bordadora y traductora. Fue beneficiaria de la Creative Nonfiction Whiting Grant en 2022. Su obra ha sido incluida en Best American Travel Writing 2020, nominada al Pushcart Prize, y beneficiaria de la Aspen Summer Words Emerging Writers Fellowship.

Presentado en asociación con el Center for Latinx Literature of the Americas de la UIC y la 18th Street Casa de Cultura



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12:30 PM12:30

A Bridge of Words / Puente de palabras: A Reading and Conversation with Irma Pineda & Wendy Call

  • Center for the Study of Race, Politics & Culture at The University of Chicago (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Free (donations welcome) / Entrada libre (agradecemos sus donaciones)

Bilingual / Bilingüe

A Bridge of Words / Puente de palabras: A Reading and Conversation with Irma Pineda & Wendy Call

Center for the Study of Race, Politics & Culture at The University of Chicago
5733 S University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637
12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Join us for a lunchtime talk at The University of Chicago’s Center for the Study of Race, Politics & Culture. Critically-acclaimed Oaxaca-based poet Irma Pineda will share readings from her trilingual Isthmus Zapotec/Spanish/English collection, Nostalgia Doesn’t Flow Away Like River Water (Deep Vellum, 2024), translated to English by Wendy Call. Following the reading, Pineda and Call will discuss the process of translation and bilingual writing, advocacy of the preservation of indigenous languages and cultures in Mexico, and the place of poetry in activist work. Hosted and moderated by Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Rachel Galvin. A light lunch will be provided.

Presented in Partnership with The University of Chicago’s Translation Studies, the Center for the Study of Race, Politics & Culture, and the Department of Race, Diaspora, and Indigeneity, UIC’s Center for Latinx Literature of the Americas, and the Consulate General of Mexico in Chicago

Acompáñanos a una charla de mediodía en el Center for the Study of Race, Politics & Culture de la University of Chicago. Irma Pineda, poeta aclamada por la crítica y radicada en Oaxaca, compartirá lecturas de su colección trilingüe, en zapoteco de istmo, español e inglés, Nostalgia Doesn’t Flow Away Like River Water (Deep Vellum, 2024), traducida al inglés por Wendy Call. Después de la lectura, Pineda y Call discutirán el proceso de la traducción y la escritura bilingüe, la defensa de la preservación de las lenguas y culturas indígenas en México, y el lugar de la poesía en el trabajo activista. Presentada y moderada por Rachel Galvin, Profesora Asociada de Inglés y Literatura Comparada. Se proporcionará un almuerzo ligero.

Presentado en asociación con el Translation Studies, el Department of Race, Diaspora, and Indigeneity, y el Center for the Study of Race, Politics & Culture de la University of Chicago, el Center for Latinx Literature of the Americas de la UIC, y el Consulado General de México en Chicago



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6:00 PM18:00

La hora de oro en The Whistler

Free (donations welcome) / Entrada libre (agradecemos sus donaciones)

21+ / Please bring ID

La hora de oro en The Whistler

The Whistler
2421 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Join us for an evening of original poetry, storytelling, and music featuring artists from Mexico and Chicago—during Lit & Luz's golden hour at The Whistler, one of Chicago’s most magical cocktail bars. Hosted by Angelica Davila and Joel Craig. 

Presented in partnership with The Whistler

Acompáñanos a una tarde de poesía, narración oral y música originales con artistas de México y Chicago, durante La hora de oro de Lit & Luz en The Whistler, uno de los bares de cócteles más mágicos de Chicago. Presentado por Angelica Davila y Joel Craig. 

Presentado en asociación con The Whistler



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12:00 PM12:00

Producing the Moving Image: An Artist Talk with Fabiola Torres-Alzaga

  • Jarvis Student Center for Innovation & Collaboration, DePaul University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Free (donations welcome) / Entrada libre (agradecemos sus donaciones)

Bilingual / Bilingüe

Producing the Moving Image: An Artist Talk with Fabiola Torres-Alzaga

Jarvis Student Center for Innovation & Collaboration, DePaul University
1 E Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60604
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Jarvis Student Center for Innovation & Collaboration at DePaul University will host a lunchtime professional practices conversation with Mexico City-based artist, Fabiola Torres-Alzaga. Torres-Alzaga will present and discuss the production of recent video works including her 2023 film, Las Desinvitadas [The Uninvited]. The artist will share her process for realizing projects related to the moving image—from simple, self-funded videos to large, complex productions. Lit & Luz Visual Arts Director Zespo will moderate the discussion. A light lunch will be provided.

Presented in partnership with DePaul University’s Jarvis Student Center for Innovation & Collaboration

El Jarvis Student Center for Innovation & Collaboration de la DePaul University presentará una conversación a la hora del almuerzo sobre prácticas profesionales con Fabiola Torres-Alzaga, artista radicada en Ciudad de México. Torres-Alzaga presentará y discutirá la producción de recientes obras en video, incluyendo su película de 2023, Las Desinvitadas [The Uninvited]. La artista compartirá su proceso de realización de proyectos relacionados con imágenes móviles, desde vídeos sencillos y autofinanciados hasta producciones grandes y complejas. Zespo, Director de Artes Visuales de Lit & Luz, moderará la discusión. Se proporcionará un almuerzo ligero.

Presentado en asociación con el Jarvis Student Center for Innovation & Collaboration de la DePaul University.



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6:00 PM18:00

Process as an Emotional Revolution: An Artist Talk & Conversation with Ana Gallardo

Free (donations welcome) / Entrada libre (agradecemos sus donaciones)

Bilingual / Bilingüe

Process as an Emotional Revolution: An Artist Talk & Conversation with Ana Gallardo

DePaul Art Museum
935 W Fullerton Ave, Chicago, IL 60614
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Join us at the DePaul Art Museum for a performative lecture and conversation with Mexico City-based experimental artist Ana Gallardo in collaboration with live, Spanish-to-English interpreter and artist, Fabrizzio Subia. Gallardo will present on her artistic practice spanning over three decades which includes drawing, video, social practice, and artistic interventions. Gallardo’s work is based on the need to make mourning a public process from a perspective that places the open wound of violence against women at the center. An intimate conversation with DePaul Art Museum’s Curator Ionit Behar follows the presentation.

Presented in partnership with DePaul Art Museum and the Department of Art and Architecture at DePaul University

Acompáñanos en el DePaul Art Museum para una lectura performativa y conversación con Ana Gallardo, artista experimental radicada en Ciudad de México, en colaboración con Fabrizzio Subia, artista e intérprete en vivo del español al inglés. Gallardo presentará su práctica artista que abarca más de tres décadas que incluye dibujo, video, práctica social e intervención artística. La obra de Gallardo está basada en la necesidad de hacer del duelo un proceso público desde una perspectiva que pone en el centro la herida abierta de la violencia contra las mujeres. Después de la presentación, habrá una conversación con Ionit Behar, Curadora del DePaul Art Museum.

Presentado en asociación con el DePaul Art Museum y el Department of Art and Architecture de la DePaul University.



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5:30 PM17:30

Love and Loss in the Desert: A Conversation with Authors Clyo Mendoza and Javier Peñalosa M.

Free (donations welcome) / Entrada libre (agradecemos sus donaciones)

Live audio interpretation from Spanish to English via your smartphone and headphones courtesy of Interprenet. / Interpretación de audio en vivo del español al inglés a través de tu smartphone y audífonos, cortesía de Interprenet.

Love and Loss in the Desert: A Conversation with Authors Clyo Mendoza and Javier Peñalosa M.

Pilsen Community Books
1102 W 18th St, Chicago, IL 60608
5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Join us at Pilsen Community Books for a conversation with two of Mexico’s most talked-about young authors, Javier Peñalosa M. and Clyo Mendoza. The two authors will discuss their respective titles, What Comes Back translated by Robin Myers (Copper Canyon Press, 2024) and Fury translated by Christina MacSweeney (Seven Stories Press, 2024). Each author will read from their book followed by a discussion on writing about the desert, the power of myths, and poetic journeys. This conversation will be moderated by Lit & Luz Literary Arts Director and Lit & Luz Book Club Founder Miguel Jiménez. Stay after for a book signing with the presenters.

Presented in partnership with Pilsen Community Books 

Acompáñanos a la Pilsen Community Books para una conversación con Javier Peñalosa y Clyo Mendoza, dos de lxs autores jóvenes más mencionados de México. Ambxs autores discutirán sus respectivos títulos, What Comes Back traducido por Robin Myers (Copper Canyon Press, 2024) y Fury traducido por Christina MacSweeney (Seven Stories Press, 2024). Cada autorx leerá sus libros, seguidos de una discusión sobre la escritura del desierto, el poder de los mitos, y los viajes poéticos. Esta conversación será moderada por Miguel Jiménez, Director de Artes Literarias de Lit & Luz y fundador de Lit & Luz Book Club. Quédate al final para la firma de libros con lxs presentadores.

Presentado en asociación con Pilsen Community Books

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Lit & Luz Live Magazine SHow: Saturation / SAturación
7:00 PM19:00

Lit & Luz Live Magazine SHow: Saturation / SAturación

  • Museum of Contemporart Art Chicago (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Live audio translation in English to Spanish and Spanish to English, along with visual description will be available for this program via your smartphone and headphones. For any other considerations, please reach out to

La traducción en vivo del inglés al español y del español al inglés, acompañada de una descripción visual, estará disponible para este programa a través de tu teléfono móvil y audífonos. Para más consideraciones, escríbenos a

Lit & Luz Live Magazine SHow: Saturation / SAturación

Saturday, November 2, doors at 6:30 p.m. / Show at 7:00 p.m.

Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, 220 E Chicago Ave, Chicago IL 60611

Get tickets today!

Experience the Live Magazine Show, the Lit & Luz Festival of Language, Literature, and Art’s signature celebration. Each year, Lit & Luz supports the creation of new collaborative artworks between writers, visual artists, and musicians from Chicago and Mexico. In the months leading up to the festival, teams of participating artists from the two countries work remotely to co-create a performance incorporating their respective mediums. The pieces are presented during the show in both Spanish and English, and they often explore the relationship between the languages, art forms, and cultures of the United States and Mexico. The theme of the 2024-25 festival and the Live Magazine Show is “Saturation/Saturación.”

Check out the 2024-25 cycle’s Collaboration Cohort!

Vive el Live Magazine Show, la celebración principal del Festival de Arte, Literatura y Lenguaje Lit & Luz. Cada año, el programa Lit & Luz apoya la creación de nuevas obras de arte de colaboración entre escritores, artistas visuales, y músicos de Chicago y México. En los meses previos al festival, equipos de artistas participantes de las dos países trabajan a distancia para co-crear un performance incorporando sus respectivos medios. Las piezas se presentan durante el Live Show tanto en español como en inglés y a menudo exploran la relación entre los idiomas, las formas de arte, y las culturas de Estados Unidos y México. El tema del festival 2024-25 y del Live Magazine Show es “Saturation/Saturación”.

Presented in partnership with the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, National Endowment for the Arts, Driehaus Foundation, Poetry Foundation, Mexican Consulate in Chicago, Museo Universitario del Chopo, Illinois Arts Council, Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation and UIC's Center for Latinx Literature of the Americas.

Presentado en asociación con el Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, National Endowment for the Arts, Driehaus Foundation, Poetry Foundation, Mexican Consulate in Chicago, Museo Universitario del Chopo, Illinois Arts Council, Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation y UIC's Center for Latinx Literature of the Americas



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